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Sat on the Rocks

Welcome home!

Believe. Love. Achieve.

As a certified Positive Psychology Coach, my goal is to support your specific wellness goals. Together, we’ll push boundaries in order to come up with a personalized plan designed just for you.

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I Get Your Struggle

As a certified Self-Development Coach, I understand the weight and frustration of feeling like there is more out there for you, but not knowing where to turn to first. That’s why my mission is simple: give my clients the wellness education, tools and resources that they need to feel happy, healthy, and capable of managing life’s pressures. Get in touch to get started!


Sally Mitchell is a Positive Psychology coach who is committed to spreading positivity and helping clients to develop successful, happy lives in line with their values through helping to identify and transform limiting beliefs to ones more fitting with their amazing, unique selves.


She is passionate about mental health and has a long-term goal to research positive manifestations of mental illness in order to reduce stigma and improve treatments. Her background spans education, healthcare, research and psychology and she has won awards in the latter fields.


This experience highlighted the importance of positive beliefs for Sally through experiencing the powerful impact of changing limiting beliefs to positive ones, which inspired her passion for coaching. Now, she wants more people to benefit from this incredible change and has developed a course, a free challenge, and a book, Belief and the Law of Attraction (Due for release 2021) details of which can be found in her Facebook group, Manifesting machines


She provides selective one-to-one coaching sessions and a course on changing limiting beliefs to positive beliefs. She believes that everyone has the right to education and self-improvement, so provides a selection of free resources through her Facebook group, Manifesting Machines. After She has a special interest in belief after seeing the effect; how beliefs contribute to our reality, how they’re formed and how to change limiting beliefs to positive beliefs. She is the author of Belief and the law of attraction that is due to be released in 2021.

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The Help You Need

Holding Hands
Group Therapy


Because sometimes all we need is a little education, I’ve developed and continue to develop tailored courses to provide you with the tools for long-lasting change.

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Personal Coaching

Not everyone has the same needs. In fact, it’s hard to find two people who benefit from the exact same approach to health! Let’s get to know each other and together we’ll build out your personalized wellness plan.

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Group Sessions

As a professional Self-Development Coach, one of the first lessons I start with is by showing how everything we do is connected. Let’s work together in order to find a wellness approach that works for you.


Virtual workshops

As a professional Self-Development Coach, one of the first lessons I start with is by showing how everything we do is connected. 
I run a series of workshops and sessions using social media and virtual platforms making my services easily accessible. Let’s work together in order to find a wellness approach that works for you.

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Get in touch to book a consultation, or leave me a message about anything else and I’ll get back to you.

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